Instructions for Authors

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Publishing in Fossilia: short Notes for Authors

FirstAuthorName Surname1*, SecondAuthorName Surname 2 & ThirdAuthorName Surname2

1Affiliation for the first author: Dept. University/Institution, address, city, nation; * (* only for the corresponding author)
2Affiliation for the second and third author: Dept. University/Institution, address, city, nation; email can be specified per every
author if wanted

Bullet points abstract
• In this part the authors should highlight the two up to four major points of their manuscript.
• To point out the results obtained from the analyses.
• To remark conclusions and/or insight coming from this research.
• Single bullet point length should not exceed the 100-110 characters, including spaces.

Keywords: three; up to; five; words;

Fossilia is an online peer-reviewed open access journal that welcomes any kind of contribution
in Palaeontology, and peculiarly any research that concerns Vertebrate Palaeontology.
In order to prepare the manuscript for the submission, author should be aware that the accepted
files are those prepared with text editor and with file extensions .doc, .rtf or .docx. These text
should be double spaced, with progressively numbered lines on the left side and page numbered.
Figures, tables could be sent separately or attached at the end of the manuscript, together with the
Manuscripts must be written in English in order to be accepted. If Authors are non-native English
speakers, they are kindly invited to have their manuscript reviewed and edited before their
submission. This would improve and raise the chance for your manuscript to reach more people.
Please do not translate into English the author affiliation, Museum or Institutional names referred
to in the text.
The submission can be made only in digital form. To submit a text to Fossilia use the email

Materials and Methods
The organization of the manuscript should be organized into paragraphs preceded by a title, like
Introduction, Materials and Methods, Systematics, etc. As an example see the division in this
Optional subparagraph
If needed, this hierarchically lower subparagraph level could be used.

Footnotes are not allowed.
All abbreviations can be used in the text, provided they are explained the first time they appear.
Genus species Smith, 1888
1890 Generus specisus Russell, p. 7.
1979 Genus speciferus Fiori & Johansson, p. 245, Pl. XXI, figs. 3-9
All the cited references in the synonymic lists should be included in the References section (see
below). Of course, generic and specific names are written in italics in the text. The names of the
above the genus level are written in regular text. See below for in-text citation of authorships.
New taxa have to be quoted with their name followed by the abbreviation (species: n. sp., genus:
n. gen., etc.).

In-text citations and References
The first time a taxon name is used in the text, the authorship have to be reported. This should be
done as follows: Genericname species Author, 2018; Genericname speciesb Author et al., 2018.
NB authorship should not be included in parentheses unless the specific name, in its original description,
was referred to a different genus. Additional in-text reference to other research should
always be reported in parentheses and include: first author surname, second author surname (in
a two people research) separated by an “&” symbol or “et al.” in case of studies with more than
two authors; the year of publication of the work should follow the names after a comma. In case
of more than one citation in the same sentence should be ordered chronologically and separated
by semicolons. E.g. “as remarked by several authors (Smith, 1918; Smith & Rossi, 1975; Rossi
et al., 2018)”.
The reference paragraph should include only the articles, volumes, monographies, etc. that were
cited in the manuscript and that have been published or accepted for publication. The References
must be written according to the rules and the style of Fossilia (see next paragraph), with
authors in alphabetical order. The initial(s) of the author’s name must follow each author’s surname.
After the article’s title, the Journal’s name should be fully written and in italics. A comma
separates the journal’s name from the volume and the issue number (included in brackets). After
the volume and the issue, a colon introduces the numbers of the first and last pages of the cited
article. No other indication (plates, tables and figures) is requested in the References section.
Online Supplementary Material
Fossilia is an online open access journal, and therefore authors are welcome to upload any
additional material such as animations, short video, supplementary tables and/or figures, etc. as a
support and enhancement to their research. The supplementary material should be submitted together
with the manuscript or, at the latest, before the proofreading. Authors should supply a concise
caption for each supplementary material, describing the content of the file. All the captions
and the references for every additional material meant to be published online should be included
in a single Word file. Citation only present in the supplementary material should be excluded
from the main reference list of the manuscript.

The corresponding author will receive a single copy of the proof as a .pdf file. The amended file
has to be returned after correction to the Proof Editor Commission (
within two days. Any delay in returning the corrections may imply that the article will be printed
with the Proof Editor’s corrections. Before returning the proof edited, authors should check
1. images/graphics and tables are the size and orientation as wanted;
2. Figures and tables respect the order of citation in the text;
3. Captions correspond to the correct figures they are associated;
4. In-text citation correspond to those in the references list.

Acknowledgements are generally placed before the References section. Author should express all
the funding organizations/institutions, with full names.

Fiori Y. & Johansson J. (1979). Genus speciferus and the citation of journal articles. Cite today, 5
(3): 23-65.
Rossi M., Jannis T. & Vera P. (2018). How to cite an article in a Volume. In Johansson E. & Puchzak
S. (eds), Title of the volume. Editor, city: 2-16.
Russel W. (1890). Chapter in Volume: how-to-cite guide. In Giacas M. (ed.), Complete volume
title, Longted Editor: 39-86.
Smith J. (1888). How to cite an article. Journal of citation, 11 (2): 1-26.
Smith J., ed. (1918). A complete volume need to be cited like this. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 300 pp.
Smith J. & Rossi M. (1975). Complete volume – guide to citation. Oxford University Press. Oxford,
208 pp.

Figure Caption
Fig. 1.Indicate any valuable information on the figure/graph chosen, e.g. inventory number of
specimens, correct measure reference, etc.