Preliminary cyclostratigraphic results on planktonic foraminifera from IODP-Hole U1406A


Alessio Fabbrini 1Luca Foresi 2, Fabrizio Lirer 3 & Nicola Pelosi 3  

¹ Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom;;

² Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment, Via Laterina 8, Siena (SI) 53100, Italy;;

³ Marine Science Institute (ISMAR) -CNR, Calata Porta di Massa, Napoli, 80133, Italy.;


How to cite: Fabbrini et al. (2020). Preliminary cyclostratigraphic results on planktonic foraminifera from IODP-Hole U1406A. Fossilia, Volume 2020: 15-17.

Bullet-Points Abstract
  • Cyclostratigraphic study conducted on early Miocene planktonic foraminifera quantitative data.
  • Preliminary age model based on Paragloborotalia siakensis tied to Earth eccentricity cycles.
  • Trilobatus and Paragloborotalia siakensis antiphasic relationship due to different paleocological affinities?

Keywords: planktonic foraminifera; cyclostratigraphy; early Miocene; North Atlantic.


Fig. 1. Power spectrum of the Paragloborotalia siakensis curve (red) compared with Laskar 2004 eccentricity (blue) using the final age model (Age M8). Around frequency 0.1 (corresponding to 110 Ky eccentricity cycle), a reliable match with the 2 components of the eccentricity signal (F=0.08 and F=0.104) is evident in P. siakensis distribution data.

Fig. 2. 400 Ky cycle comparison between P. siakensis, G. bulloides and eccentricity curve (Laskar at al., 2004). Time is represented on the x axis. The figure shows in pale blue the eccentricity curve not filtered and a filtered version dashed pale blue line for direct comparison with the filtered curve of G. bulloides (brown) and P. siakensis (blue line). The antiphasic relationship between G. bulloides and P. siakensis emerges clearly. The narrow pass-band filter was applied at F= 0.024-0.026.


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