The lower Pliocene elasmobranch assemblage from Arcille (Campagnatico, Grosseto Province): palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental significance


Marco Merella¹, Alberto Collareta¹, Simone Casati², Andrea Di Cencio ²,³, Walter Landini¹,
Giovanni Bianucci 

¹ Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, via Santa Maria 53, 56126, Pisa, Italy;
² G.A.M.P.S. gruppo AVIS mineralogia e paleontologia SCANDICCI, piazza Vittorio Veneto 1, Badia a Settimo (Scandicci, FI), Italy;
³ Geology & Paleontology Technical Studio, via Fratelli Rosselli 4, San Casciano Val di Pesa (FI), Italy.


How to cite: Merella et al. (2020). The lower Pliocene elasmobranch assemblage from Arcille (Campagnatico, Grosseto Province): palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental significance. Fossilia, Volume 2020: 41-43.

Bullet-Points Abstract
  • Tuscany hosts a conspicuous fossil record of elasmobranchs.
  • New stratigraphically informed studies are need to be performed.
  • A newly discovered elasmobranch assemblage is described from the lower Pliocene Campagnatico locality. 
  • This diverse assemblage allows for a reconstruction of an early Pliocene marginal-marine palaeoenvironment of Tuscany.

Keywords: Elasmobranchii; palaeoecology; palaeoichthyology; Mediterranean Sea; Zanclean.


Fig. 1. Shark and ray teeth from the Zanclean of Arcille (Campagnatico, Grosseto Province). A) From left to right: Carcharhinus
brachyurus, Carcharhinus leucas, Carcharhinus falciformis and Prionace glauca. B) Cosmopolitodus plicatilis. C) From left to right:
Hexanchus griseus, Carcharias taurus and Galeocerdo cuvier. D) From left to right: Megascyliorhinus miocaenicus, Pachyscyllium
dachiardii, Squatina sp., Himantura sp., Dasyatis sp. and Rostroraja sp. E) Rhinobatos sp. teeth of Himantura sp., Dasyatis sp. and
Rhinobatos sp. are depicted in occlusal view, all other teeth are depicted in lingual view. Scale bars equal 5 mm, except for panels
B (10 mm) and E (1 mm).

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